Sunday, July 8, 2012

Seis de Julio...Viernes

Hoy estuvo muy interesante.  Primer fui al clase de bailar con otro mujeres.  El tipo de clase estuvo 'danza del vientre' y estuvo por ejercicios.  Mi encantada!  Yo volví a mi casa porque estuve necesidad cambiar.  Fui mi clases y no tuve atención.  Después, la maestra quiso hablar conmigo.  Ella piensa que yo necesitar estar en el clase alto.  Estoy feliz pero triste tambien.

Después, fui a mi casa y comi almorzar.  Después, Ana y yo fuimos a la casa de amiga, se llama Judith.  Ella y su madre son sympaticas y generosas.  Encandada!  Yo esuve a sus casa por tres horas. Yo compré joyerías y regalos porque Judith lo hace.

Después, nosotros fuimos a la casa de Ana y comimos comida.  Daniel ayudame con mi tarea.  En Costa Rica muchachas enseñan lavar la ropa interior en la ducha.  Es muy extraño para mí. 


Today was very interesting for me.  I went to a belly dancing class in the morning at the library.  It is really a class for older women but it was fun all the same.  And since my suitcase couldn't weigh more than 40 pounds I didn't bring any exercise clothes!  So, I really am going just to be around the Spanish...and trying not to sweat too much.  Afterwards, I went home to change and go to class.  I had such a hard time concentrating.  Afterwards, the teacher pulled me aside and asked me if I wanted to be in a harder class.  So, starting Monday, I'm going to be in a different class at a different time.  A student wants to get together so I can help him with his homework.  I forgot that the teachers here give homework first and then explain the homework when we correct it......terrible for the learning different student!

Afterwards, I went to my house for lunch.  And then me and my tica mom went to her neighbors house so I could by gifts for my family.....(Mom don't pay attention).  Judith and her mom were so nice and generous!  I loved talking with them.  Judith's mom is a social worker with poor kids in Salvador.  So, we had a lot to talk about!  Kindred spirits we are!  We were there for three hours and I so enjoyed our Spanish conversation.  Afterwards, Ana and I went home to eat dinner.  Daniel helped me with my homework.  In Costa Rica, the women wash their underwear in the shower and so that is taking some time to get used to.

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