Friday, July 6, 2012

cinco de julio....mi día de libertad

Cinco de julio,
El día estuvo fantástico!  Mi mamá tica me dio los llaves!  No era necasario volver hasta el cinco de la tarde! Yo estuve la clase de español.   Nosotros reímos mucho.   Yo hablé mucho con Greg.  Yo estuve muy feliz porque después de clase voy a ir con Greg otro locales.   Greg y yo fuimos al supermarcado, banco, la tienda de queque.     Al supermarcado, comimos almorzar (que rico) arroz con frijoles.  Hay que un televisión estuvo tocando el gusta.  Después, yo compré regalos por mi familia y yo.    Greg y yo tuvimos buena conversación....lo siento...en inglés.   Despué,s Greg me mostró la tienda que vende las queques....que rico, ?verdad¿  Nosotros hablamos con Randal.  Randal trabaja en la tienda.  Greg y Randal hablamos todo el tiempo.  Después, nosotros fuimos al banco y mi casa.  Yo presenté Greg a mi mamá tica.  Después, yo comí con Ana, Marco, y Daniel.  Nostoros vimos "Fuego en mi Sangre".....qué gracioso.     Marco, Maria, y Anna ayudame con mi tarea.  No se, si tengo internet en mi casa for fines de semana.  La escuela y la biblioteca están cerradas.   Y Marco no está en mi casa por el fines de semana.


July 5th,
What a wonderful day!    I had my spanish class first. It was hard to focus because I knew that I was going out with Greg afterwards.  We laugh a lot in class.  I talked a lot with Greg....he is struggling with having patience with the language.  I was so happy because I finally got the keys and I did not have to be home until 5 that night.  Greg and I went to the supermarket to have lunch!    It was fantatic!   Then I bought gifts there as well. I forgot to buy a calling card...hopefully, this weekend I will be able to do that.  And there was a telenovela playing there as well.  The one bad thing was that Greg and I spoke in English....the hard thing being only with Gringos.  Then Greg took me to a place that sells really nice cakes.  Randal works there and he was super nice.  He spoke spanish with both of us and then could use his English when we were having problems.     Then I was able to finally go to the bank! and getting money! Greg took me home and I introduced my tica mom to him.  Afterwards, I ate lunch with the family and we watched the telenovela Fire in my blood! LOVED IT!!!!!  And the family helped me with the homework.  This weekend I do not think I will have access to the internet to update my blog.  The library and school is closed and Marco goes home for the weekend.  Maybe Maria can walk with me to a place that has wi fi this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds fun! I'm so glad you finally got a little freedom. I wish I could see some pictures. Today we went to the Terwilligers for dinner. Jaime put a bunch of pictures on facebook if you're able to get on. It's finally getting warm here and the kids went to the park to play in the fountain. I've been able to spend a lot of time with Amy and the baby. So fun! She is such a little sweetie. We're going to try and be at Mom & Dad's on Monday so hopefully we'll get a chance to talk. Love you!!

