Monday, April 29, 2013

Syllable types

Using cereal to help them grasp and hold on to the syllable types we have covered over the entire year.

1.  Closed; vowel is short.
2.  Closed exception; vowel is long.  (kIND, OLD, hOST, rode the wILD, cOLT)
3.  V-E; vowel is long and 'e' is silent.
4.  V-E exception; vowel is short and 'e' is silent. (gIVE)
5.  Open syllable; vowel is long.

Indirect object pronouns

Multi-sensory....Mis estudiantes pueden mover los pronombres delante de el verbo 'gustar'.
Mis estudiantes pueden practicar que no conjugar los verbos en una fila.
Mis estudiantes pueden practicar que ellos usan los sustantivos plurales con el verbo 'gustan'

Para mi hermana

¡¡Me encantan los postres!!!

Que es el cielo....
Two round cake-like halves with confection icing in between and with icing covering the outside.  Then rolled in sugar for that extra crunch.  If I have a heart attack before the age of 50 you can blame these sinful delights!
I try to only eat the one half for dessert...but then the other half looks so never makes past another 15 minutes.

Pronouns and Adjectives

So I made twelve sets of:  Possessive Adjectives, Reflexive Pronouns, and Indirect Object Pronouns.  Color coded them to match my Subject Pronouns and laminated them so they would last at least 5 years.....or until we have the 'paperless' classroom....(dreading that day!)

1.  Make template for each concept and print
2.  Copy them on construction paper
3.  Cut them out
4.  Laminate them
5.  Cut excess laminate paper off
6.  Organize them into groups
7.  Label the backs so groups don't get mixed up
8.  Place each group in organized containers
9.  Magnetize the teacher sets


Haven't figured out how to create, prepare, and teach in a 9-5 hour schedule.  This should also explain why I need summers off.

Practicando mi español

Esta noche tuve una presentación de Costa Rica.  Compré las galletas para otros estudiantes.  En mi presentación incluí las fotos de mi último viaje.  Yo hice mi presentación muy simple entonces los otros estudiantes pudieron aprender.  Yo hablé con mi familia tica, los lugares visité, los colores de la bandera, la idioma, y un problema del país.  Dos estudiantes hicieron sus presentaciónes de Costa Rica también.

Ellas dijeron una problema mejor estuvieron drogas.  Pero me gusta a mi problema mejor.  Yo dije que una problema en Costa Rica es la sistema de salud pública no cambió en quince años.  Y la gente está viviendo más tiempo.  ¿Dónde es a la sistema de salud pública va a conseguir el dinero para pagar por las medicina, los doctores, las enfermeras, y los edificios si la gente no tiene el dinero?

Cuando vivía con mi madre tica segunda, ella tuvo una enfermera viene a su casa porque mi madre tica segunda tuvo cáncer.  Pensé eso muy interesante.  Allí ella no tiene seguro de salud pero la enfermera viene a su casa.  Aquí, tengo seguro de salud y yo pago mucho.   Pero la enfermera no, no viene a mi casa...Tengo que ir al hospital, yo espero por la enfermera y yo pago para poner a mi coche en el garaje.

Sí, sí, la problema de mi presentación era mejor......todas personas dicen que los drogas son muy mal....pero al sistema de salud pública es una problema que hacer piensas.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

More alley pics

Left my little mark before the cement fully dried.

mi clase de español....podemos comer un pastel

Yummy!!!!!  ¡Sabroso!
Cuatro tipos diferentes de pasteles

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Estoy enseñando muy difícil. No me gusta capítulo 5 en mi libro.

Lo tengo fotos.

Numero uno:  Subject pronouns.  Por ejemplo:  Yo tengo, tienes, él tiene, nosotros tenemos, ellos tienen.  Subject pronouns are color coded and never move off my board.  We have been working on them all year.

Numero dos:  Possessive adjectives: Por ejemplo:  Mi gato, tu gato, su gato, nuestro gato, nuestros zapatos, sus luces.  I had them crumple up their cornell notes and told them I couldn't crumple up their notes because it was their papers.  We crumpled ALOT of papers that day!  All in the name of multi-sensory.

Numero tres:  Reflective pronouns.  Por ejemplo: Me llamo, te llamas, se llama, nos llamamos, se llaman.  I faced the ipad at them and asked them " ¿Cómo te llamas?" and they had to answer, "Me llamo....' while looking at their 'reflection' on the smart board.  And I made them stand up each time.  Then we worked on 'se llama' for the other students.  Ellos siempre les gusta mirar a sí mismos.

Numero cuatro:  Indirect Object Pronouns.  These kids don't even know an indirect object pronoun in English...I am I going to teach it in Spanish?  Por ejemplo:  Me gusta correr, te gusta correr, le gusta correr, nos gusta correr, les gusta correr.   So guess what we did....YEP!!!!!  RAN!!!!  I made them run laps and every time they came to me I had a sign that gusta correr o te gusta correr o le gusta correr.  By the time they were done....many of my students were saying "No me gusta correr!"  And I would say....'Of WHOM doesn't like to run?'

Or they could remember from the beginning of the year...... I asked why we didn't use 'le' when asking  for someones name and a student said "Because 'le llamas' would sound funny".  le llamas....cracks me up every single time.  :)

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The new version of the ABC's

Blue Bonnets 2013

Smelling the flowers.
Taking his finger out of his eye.
Hand in the pocket pose.
Running at me saying 'Cheese'.
He loved being in the tree....too bad there were ant beds underneath.
He never could relax while sitting.
Waving at the cars passing by.

Pescalo...en mi clase de español.

My one match...I did not win.
Worked on conjugating the verb 'tener'....Shane says: "Ben, ¿Tienes el dólar?
And Ben's reply....."No tengo el dólar.  Pescalo" (Go fish for it)
Kids loved the game!......Or not having to do activities from the book.  :)

Family came in from Houston to visit!

Es mi primo segundo.  Está jugando con camión volquete .
Está jugando con guacamole.
Aquí está soplando en su comida.
Mi prima y mi primo segundo en el restaurante.

They are still working on the alley....sheesha!

They parked the excavator in my driveway!
Had to get a picture of me in it.....not as glamorous as I thought it would be.
Next they put boards in my driveway.
Dug up my grass and I'm curious how they are going to fix it....
Next day and for the weekend....these were there.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Made an ipad cute!

First I made the strap.
Then I made the four pieces of the frame.
Sewed each one.
Then assembled them together.
Made the back of the pouch.
Added the strap to the back of the pouch.
Added the front frame to the back of the pouch.
Didn't like the corners.
Added flowers
Added a button (great gramma's) to hold the ipad in.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Gracias a Dios!

Señor te alabo porque eres mi libertador.  I am not defined by what 'secular society' calls successful.

Señor te adoro porque eres poderoso.  You conquered death so that I might have life.

Señor te glorifico porque eres Dios de los cielos.  This world is not my home.

Señor te canto porque me das mi voz.  Everyday I am humbled...and sometimes I need your strength to apologize.

Señor mi corazon te alaba.   Your words comfort my heart when it is hurting.

Señor, tú eres el Señor de Señores.  My heavenly father.

Señor, tú eres el maestro de mi vida.  I need to be a better student.  :)

Señor te alabo porque tú eres el camino.  You are the way the true and the life.

Quiero te alabar porque me amas.  And that love is unconditional.

Gracias a Dios!  I truly have a blessed life.

La Piñata....Estudiamos 'Celebraciones' en mi clase de español

Since we are studying celebrations in my Spanish classes I told them they could bring in items that had to do with our new vocabulary....I have been bringing in los regalos (the gifts) every day.  And they could bring in un pastel (a cake), los globos (the balloons), las flores (the flowers), las luces (the lights), and una piñ guessed it...a piñata.  Low and behold....on Friday a student actually brought a piñata to class...filled with candy....I am so truly blessed (that the ceiling didn't fall down)!

I have some very strong students!

He lost his legs first.

Very sweet...the students let me have a turn...after they took out his legs and head.

I had tied the rope to the door handle and we used the wooden masher stick Grammy and Grampa gave me from Brazil.