Tuesday, July 24, 2012

24th de Julio....Martes

Una fiesta para celebrar la unión de Guanacaste a Costa Rica.  A girl's dream to have a skirt that twirls this high!  I came so close to buying one.  But since my house is too small, my neighbors might think me strange as I dance down the street.

 Greztle....esta mujer es muy gracioso!

 El muchacho fue atacado por el toro.  

 Tamales después....mom would have loved them!  The drink was milk with sugar, nutmeg, cinnamon and more sugar.

 Mitch and Alex.

Si mis dedos de los pies pintadas de 3 millones de colones.....$6  And how cute is the flower!

 Para mi sobrina, aquí está mi dormitorio.  Girls have to keep their rooms very neat over here.  If my stuff isn't neat my tica mom will come into my room, when I am away and she will align my toiletries.

 La alcachofa de la ducha ... no toque los cables mientras se ducha.  I am not complaining since I get hot water!

Mi teléfono ... la mejor compra que he hecho desde que está aquí.  Never thought I would love a cell phone so much!  I will be sad to leave it here in Costa Rica....but happy that it might bring joy and relief to the next student.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a little confused, is it a sweet tamale, and why is the guy laying on the floor? I'll have to show Ava the pictures in the morning. She is sacked out on her hide-a-bed. And I think I want to fly down there just for the cheap pedicures. So cute! I hope you have a good last week there. I'm sorry again about your camera, I know it's like your baby. I'm praying for you and will be thinking of you this week. Any requests for Disneyland souvenirs? Ok, off to watch more downton. I'm addicted!! Love you,

