Sunday, September 15, 2019

Soccer Season has Started

You would have been so proud.  Yesterday was your baby's game and he was the goalie for the first half.  Hard for him to be so focused when most of the game is being played on the other side of the field.  But the second half he was out there getting that ball and trying to make an assist.  There are two other kids on the team that take over the game, but it helps them win and that makes your baby happy.

Now your oldest had a game on the big field in the pouring rain.  It was cold, raining, and their shoe laces were all coming undone.  She was in the middles and had good passes and tried to be aggressive.  I thought she was being very brave because the opponent was always a foot taller than her and 15 pounds heavier.  They won their game and the cutest part was after half time.  She was out there waiting for the other team giggling and making jokes with her team mates.  I'm sure, if your not too busy singing with the angels up in heaven, you were looking down with that beautiful smile.

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