Saturday, September 6, 2014

A little bit of this and a little bit of that

School days have begun and it hit me so fast I never had time to record the last days of summer.  And between two laptops and a cell phone I never know where my pictures are when it is time to blog.  So, here's what I got.
Blueberry, Peach, and Nectarine picking.

Tía teaching 'aggressiveness' so she could get a picture.

Yes, I did encourage the colored popcorn even if it tasted terrible....she is 7.

Does he realize that superman doesn't stand like that?

Thank you to my family for having my last night be a 'game night'.
My road trip back home was uneventful.  It was a lot harder coming home then going out to OR.  Losing those two hours was brutal!  Between texting and instagraming, I didn't get a chance to put my pictures on this computer.  But I got a picture of every state welcome sign, some buffaloes, and I swear I saw camels!

On a sad note, I started the school year with the hard reality that I was not going to be teaching Spanish this year.  I wish it would have been one sad day, like ripping a Band-aid quickly off.  But everyday I have had either a student or a teacher comment to me on how sad/shocked they are that I'm not teaching Spanish.  However, the other day a smile did emerge on my face when administration asked me if they could use my Spanish curriculum.  Maybe a little bit of my Spanishness will continue on through the work of others.

So, I finally have a year where I am not designing some type of P.E., Health, Ethics, Reading Comprehension, Language Therapy, or Spanish curriculum.  And God has answered my prayer on being able to host more foster kids.  So far, I have had two weekends doing respite. We have been busy making cupcakes, doing nails, going to the library, the pool, museums, football games, fire stations, feeding ducks, and playing board games.
Here we are dissecting fruit fly larvae.

And lastly I did have a free weekend to re-landscape my backyard.  Six years ago I dug out all my grass in my backyard to I wouldn't have to mow.  I leave for a summer and when I got back, grass was everywhere....knee high!  Luckily, I had a really bad day at work so I was ready to release my frustration with the aid of my power tools, a shovel and grass killer. 

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