Sunday, November 3, 2013

Multi-sensory teaching

Since I have been so busy with my new preps and night-time class, I haven't had time to post the different strategies I have been using in my classes.  One of the things I love about working at my school is the freedom I get to incorporate different strategies into the classroom.  And it is my hope that other teachers might find some of my strategies useful.

1.  Scooping and coding for language therapy:  I scanned workbook pages into my ipad.  Then through the air server I was able to put it onto my smart board.  This has been helpful since our school didn't buy new books this year.  And it saves me a trip to the copier machine.

1.  Pablo positivo and Nano negativo:  When working with adjectives I love having the kids write on the tables.  The yellow cards represent happy, sunshine, positive adjectives.  The green cards represented the sick, throw up green, exorcist negative adjectives.  Color coordinated for the visual kids.  The cards turn into flash cards for the kinesthetic students.  Say it out loud for the auditory learners.

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