Monday, January 20, 2014

Spanish Club's first off campus event...Scavenger Hunt

I do not claim that I am fluent in Spanish.  By all means, I am still learning and have accepted the fact that I will be learning this language for many years to come.  But I love to come up with new teaching strategies for my students.  And what better way to encourage learning a language than with spending money, hanging out with friends, and a little competition.

Our club went to a Bazaar in Dallas and there were two groups of students.  They each got $15 to spend on the items.  I gave them, some-what vague, clues in Spanish.  And they were suppose to use their Spanish to purchase their items.  The team with the best items and the most items won.

Here are some of the clues....I am sure there are grammatical errors.  If you choose to read them, please error on the side of grace.

1.  Se usa para escribir or dibujar.  Puede ser muchos colores.
2.  Se usa para beber agua, refesco, limonada o más liquidos.
3.  Soy del papel.  Soy dado a la familia y amigos a través de la oficina de correos.  Tengo la foto o las palabras o ambos.
4.  Se usa para lavarse las maños.  La usas para limpiar tu cuerpo.
5.  Soy una planta y puedo ser muchos colores.  Le das a una persona cuando tú estás enamorado o para un evento especial.
6.  Se usa para limpiar la boca después de Ud. come.
7.  Soy dulce, pequeño y redondo.
8.  Se lleva en los dedos, los dedos de pies, la muñeca, las orejas, o el cuello.
9.  Soy un juego para los niños.
10.  Se usa para cocinar.  Soy líquido o sólido.

And here is some of the items they bought.
Soy dulce, pequeño y redondo

Soy del papel.

Can you find which of these items match the clues above?

While I was waiting for them to purchase their items, I stopped at a booth where the vender was cutting up some wood.  The people were purchasing one piece that he would cut off.  I was intrigued so I tried to use my Spanish to understand what the wood was used for.
A picture and the name of the plant.
The vender gave me a piece to sample and said it was like sugar water.  He mentioned only people from Mexico chew on this wood for the sugary liquid inside.  Well, that sold me and I asked if I could buy two pieces (much to his surprise).  I told him 'What a wonderful opportunity for my students!"  His helper, himself, and the Hispanics around me were all speechless.  Some of them hadn't even tried this stuff!  (Maybe for a good says it is not good for your teeth)

A picture of the piece of wood.
Anyway, he gave me the two pieces for free!  Score!  Practicing my Spanish, experiencing a unique food item, at no cost, and my students will have this rare opportunity......this is sooooooooo a Señorita L. thing!  I can't wait to see my students on Tuesday!  Pictures soon to follow!

They did not want to eat lunch at this place so we were done 45 minutes early.  We played a little game until their parents showed up and I drove off in complete contentment.
Serpientes y Escaleras
Next outing will be a restaurant for, the four videos and numerous websites I researched (to help my students 'not' order lunch at the Bazaar) will not go to waste.

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