Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Estoy enseñando pronouns.....es muy difícil. No me gusta capítulo 5 en mi libro.

Lo siento....no tengo fotos.

Numero uno:  Subject pronouns.  Por ejemplo:  Yo tengo, tienes, él tiene, nosotros tenemos, ellos tienen.  Subject pronouns are color coded and never move off my board.  We have been working on them all year.

Numero dos:  Possessive adjectives: Por ejemplo:  Mi gato, tu gato, su gato, nuestro gato, nuestros zapatos, sus luces.  I had them crumple up their cornell notes and told them I couldn't crumple up their notes because it was their papers.  We crumpled ALOT of papers that day!  All in the name of multi-sensory.

Numero tres:  Reflective pronouns.  Por ejemplo: Me llamo, te llamas, se llama, nos llamamos, se llaman.  I faced the ipad at them and asked them " ¿Cómo te llamas?" and they had to answer, "Me llamo....' while looking at their 'reflection' on the smart board.  And I made them stand up each time.  Then we worked on 'se llama' for the other students.  Ellos siempre les gusta mirar a sí mismos.

Numero cuatro:  Indirect Object Pronouns.  These kids don't even know an indirect object pronoun in English...I thought....how am I going to teach it in Spanish?  Por ejemplo:  Me gusta correr, te gusta correr, le gusta correr, nos gusta correr, les gusta correr.   So guess what we did....YEP!!!!!  RAN!!!!  I made them run laps and every time they came to me I had a sign that said.....me gusta correr o te gusta correr o le gusta correr.  By the time they were done....many of my students were saying "No me gusta correr!"  And I would say....'Of WHOM doesn't like to run?'

Or they could remember from the beginning of the year...... I asked why we didn't use 'le' when asking  for someones name and a student said "Because 'le llamas' would sound funny".  le llamas....cracks me up every single time.  :)

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