Sunday, November 3, 2019

Starting to Look

What is Frustrating:  No common goals between me and teachers, no true double dose, no curriculum, no encouragement/praise, no breaks, no protected lunch, no understanding of technology, administration who will be gone for a month for a surgery she could have done over the summer, administration that cries at every staff meeting, no collaboration, other people are putting their jobs onto my plate, not enough subs, I have to see classroom which a poorly managed,

I've already met with my old principal to talk about my options.  She wants me to try to get hired right away but it just doesn't feel right.  But I'm looking each week.  And I'm starting to clean out my room.  4 bags of recycled papers and 5 boxes of items to go to Goodwill.  Mom wishes I had taken the Reading Specialist job at her school.  The woman that got hired is not very good.  But she is going to the IDA conference this week so I think that shows signs of promise. excited!  There is going to be so much good information.  Wilson and Pickering will be there!  I wish you were around so I can talk to you about the sessions.

If I became a classroom teacher I could have a lunch, PLC's, manage my own classroom/not be in other teacher's classrooms, morning and afternoon recess, collect data, rewards for my students,  collaboration,

What could be frustrating:  Not getting support, not having SPED students get their minutes, parents, bodily fluids, trauma impacted kids, large class size, students who are absent, no EA, a lot of reading for new curriculum, report cards, a lot more standards besides reading, organizing field trips, lesson plans for subs, positive phone calls, referrals, runners, sensory over load,

A lot of my frustrations is with the district.  I can't think that the grass is greener on the other side.  But I do like professional change.  And I'll keep talking it out, keep looking, and put one foot forward through the doors that open.

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