Sunday, November 3, 2019

I Think You Were Laughing the Whole Time.

Well, Halloween has come and gone.  It was a strange one.  The first one without you, the first one without your oldest, and the first one in the new subdivision.   I ended up going with your baby to meet up with his friend.  It was suppose to be a short little outing and then we would be going back home for dinner.  Well, I left my phone at home, the friend's mother had a sick child and went home, and the friends dad (who is not with the mother) ended up changing his plans to stay in your baby's neighborhood.  Two hours later!!!  Trick or Treating with this total stranger (Even Ben hadn't met him) your baby tells me he's tired (and probably hungry) and we head home.  People thought we were married and going with our sons Trick or Treating.  I was Maleficent and the boy's father was some Uncle Sam Devil.  However, I was so cold from the Downtown Festival that I had taken half of my costume off to wear my Winter coat and scarf. 
Now there were parents with your oldest in her group.  And it was fun to see her running around the neighborhood with her cape flying behind her.  She was Super Girl and your baby was a big giant panda head.  It was hilarious and 50% off.  They made out like bandits with lot of goodies to eat for the rest of the year.  I missed you.  I missed this special time. 
The weather was beautiful and your baby and I got some great pictures outside with the beautiful leaves.  You would have loved it!  The lighting, the Fall colors, the cute little kids costumes, and seeing all your friends in the neighborhood all dressed up with their kids.  Ben stayed at home and passed out candy (in comfort).  Unfortunately, in your oldest group there was one of his students and she needed to use the bathroom; your house was available.  And there was your husband in his long underwear and drinking a beer!  I can just imagine you watching over these hilarious situations and having a good chuckle.  I hope they never get too old to dress up.

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