Christmas morning was up at 6 AM getting ready to take Cuñado, sister, and the kids to the airport. Poor sister is sleep deprived and sick, Cuñado trying to get the family to the airport in time, Sobrina's dramatic goodbyes to her furbie, and sobrino clapping and ecstatic about going to the airport and flying on a plane.
Off we go to the airport (sister)......wait.....forgot the boots.....turning back boots...(me) I'm still confused. Off the the airport again (sister) I have my phone, charger and camera? (cuñado) Can't make a second trip back home.
I say my goodbyes, go back to sister's house to get my things, and off to my parents house to prepare for our Skamania Lodge trip.
Took the historical route. |
Multnomah falls |
There were more falls...but my new camera has a mind of it's own and it only decides when to take a clear picture. |
Bridge of the Gods....and lots of SNOW. |
We make it to the Skamania Lodge in one piece (thanks to Dad's new GPS system). And we are off to check in.
We get settled in and decide to figure out what is for dinner. We call 6 different restaurants in Stevenson in which are all closed for Christmas. Next, we toured the lodge to find the food in the bar is much cheaper than the $45 dollar Christmas buffet.
Mom and Dad by the gift shop. |
Us by the four story fireplace. |
Christmas dinner....Pear salad, Chicken nachos, and a a bar with mom buying a Peppermint Patty after dinner drink. Strange but we are together as a family for Christmas.
Family pictures after dinner |
We go back up to the room to wait for 7 PM so I can go down to eat S' excited....maybe this will become a new Christmas tradition? The lodge gave us the S'mores kit for free....I think because he was so surprised someone would want to make S'mores when it is so cold and raining. It takes the maintenance man 20 minutes to like the fire pit.... but is was well worth it!
They gave you a kit with two sticks, four marshmallows, a full size candy bar, and two small packages of graham crackers. |
Once again...too cold for the chocolate to melt. |
But this fire was big enough to keep us warm. |
Christmas tree from outside. |
When dad and I got back....... mom and I got our swim suits on and headed down to the heated pool. Mom got in right away...a little too cold for me. We swam for 30 minutes and then went outside to the jacuzzi......
MERRY CHRISTMAS! And a little shout out to new traditions?