2) Even though the front posts are now metal, Dad knew this was the house because the window on the front door matches the one on the black and white photo.

2) Here is the water main hole that is located on the second black and white picture.

1) Here you can tell that there isn't a garage anymore. But there is a driveway-therefore we can conclude from the black and white picture that they have converted the drive-way to make the house bigger.
The man that owns the house now told us this house never had a garage. We looked at our picture and asked him....."Then why is there a drive-way?"

A man came to our car while we were trying to find this house. He asked us what we were doing. When we told him he asked for my Dad's name. When Dad said, Jim........, the neighbor remembered Dad's family. He told us that Dad's house was the last one on the block, he went there for parties all the time, and those were great days!