Monday, June 1, 2015

Albums and Petting Zoo

Made some albums for some very special graduates.  These are fun gifts to make and you get to add all the special touches.  Going to miss these graduates but excited to hear about what they do and who they bless with their wonderful gifts and talents.
I love the girl in the back trying to make a moustache with her hair.

Don't know why this picture downloaded upside down.

Haven't done this type of closure before.  And I love how the tags turned out.

Some pages similar.....

Some pages different.....

A very simple back.
 And then the magic of a petting zoo.....
The cutest bunny!

I didn't have enough courage to pick up the birds.

SO CUTE!!!!!  It's eyes get me.

The cute little pig.  So glad it didn't poop on me.

I love all the cute furry folds on this rabbit.

It's like a mixture of Chinese Shar-Pei and a Rabbit.

And then the magical pony!!!!

What little girl wouldn't love to ride a pony with glitter...

If I was a pony I would want glitter in my hair as well.

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