Monday, January 14, 2013

My craziness......taking 150% to a new level.

This is when I need my sister to be near me to say 'NO' to my craziness.....usually I buy the rice in a bag so I know portion sizes.  But when I opened the box of rice there were no bags.....YIKES.  I did follow the instructions (microwave) I did 3 cups of rice with 3 cups of water.  But that didn't look in another bowl (stovetop) I did 3 more cups of rice to 3 more cups of water.

To my amazement....they both worked beautifully!  And to my astonishment....I ended up cooking the entire box of rice.
First batch of rice I made Gallo Pinto (in the back behind the pizzas....second story of my craziness).
Second the freezer.
Apparently, I was really excited to have the opportunity to get two free packages of chicken breasts when purchasing only one package of chicken breast.  So, not only did I go crazy with rice....I ended up cooking the chicken and making two pizzas, mostacholi, and enchiladas......

Sister, O sister....wherefore art thou?  

I ended up dividing up the food, putting them in freezer containers, and now I'm set for lunch and dinner for the next month...or two.  :)

Sister, O sister.....want to come for dinner?

1 comment:

  1. Count me in! You should find people to do a dinner swap with. You give them ten meals and they give you ten. Dang it! Now I'm craving pizza at 10:30 at night.
