And so now is the party with the friends. Remember when you only had dinner with your family, there was a cake with candles, and then you opened up your presents? Those were my birthday experiences. No Chucky Cheese, Bullwinkles, Jump House, Three day extravaganza......
The party was a hit. Giggles, candy, candy, movie, and more candy....There was a lot to do in preparation.
1. Target
2. Papa Murphy
3. Spicer Brothers
4. Harvest Bread Company
5. Yogurt place
6. Red Box
7. Lunch
8. Michaels
9. Gas
A little dress up time...
The cutest but really gross punch.
Dancing Queens
Make your own pizzas.
Make your own sundaes. The good thing in this activity was that it took a long time to make the sundae.....afterwards they were too tired to eat it and the yogurt had melted. I'm sure it didn't taste all that good anyway; chocolate mint yogurt with sour patch kids? Yuck!
It was nice to have the Halloween candy available to use for the Sundaes.
My sister sleeping through a 'Wack-A-Mole' game.
Little brother went to see the Peanut's movie and made it home right in time for sundaes!
A little dance routine at the end of the night.
Here's to turning 9.
You definitely win the Super Aunt award this year! Thankful that God saw fit to bring you back to Oregon just when you were most needed.