Friday, November 13, 2015

A Birthday that Never Ends

And so now is the party with the friends.  Remember when you only had dinner with your family, there was a cake with candles, and then you opened up your presents?  Those were my birthday experiences.  No Chucky Cheese, Bullwinkles, Jump House, Three day extravaganza......

The party was a hit.  Giggles, candy, candy, movie, and more candy....There was a lot to do in preparation. 

1.  Target
2.  Papa Murphy
3.  Spicer Brothers
4.  Harvest Bread Company
5.  Yogurt place
6.  Red Box
7.  Lunch
8.  Michaels
9.  Gas

A little dress up time...

The cutest but really gross punch.

Dancing Queens

 Make your own pizzas.

Make your own sundaes.  The good thing in this activity was that it took a long time to make the sundae.....afterwards they were too tired to eat it and the yogurt had melted.  I'm sure it didn't taste all that good anyway; chocolate mint yogurt with sour patch kids?  Yuck!

It was nice to have the Halloween candy available to use for the Sundaes.

My sister sleeping through a 'Wack-A-Mole' game.

Little brother went to see the Peanut's movie and made it home right in time for sundaes!

A little dance routine at the end of the night.
Here's to turning 9.

1 comment:

  1. You definitely win the Super Aunt award this year! Thankful that God saw fit to bring you back to Oregon just when you were most needed.
