Tuesday, September 9, 2014


 Friday nights are usually us visiting a football game...this is Texas.  There is always a football game on a Friday night.
 Saturdays are the big days filled with activities to spur imaginations, start conversations, involve kinesthetic learning, and to get lots of picture taking opportunities (and wear the kids out).  We usually start by having breakfast, playing with dress-up clothes, making cupcakes, feeding ducks, playing in the park, swimming, decorating the cupcakes, eating lunch, bringing the cupcakes to the fire-station (getting a free tour),  getting books and videos at the library, playing board games, making dinner, playing the Wii, watching a movie, showering, reading time, pray and bedtime.

Sundays involve going to church so they can mingle with kids their own age and hopefully learn something good.  After church we pick up our pictures, come home, and eat lunch.  After lunch we make our scrap-books so they can remember all the fun things they did while they visited my house.
The weekends go by fast but it is so much fun to see them soak up the information, interact with people in my community, and have some time to just be a kid.

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