Monday, September 2, 2013

My poor backyard

After 8 weeks of neglect, my poor backyard was a sore sight to see.  I thought I took a before picture and sent it to dad...but it's not on my ipad.  It might be on my camera, and if that is the case then I will have to edit this post at a different time.

I have grass seedlings everywhere (bane of my existence) and weird plants that I'm praying won't retaliate against me,  by giving me a rash, for pulling them out of their new found home.  Praise The Lord it rained last night and this morning (to make the wonderful clay Texas dirt soft) so it made the pulling a little more easier.
I worked for two hours and when the trash bin was full, decided that was my cue to call it good for the day.

The garbage truck might have difficulty picking up this trash bin....amazing how many weeds I pulled up, branches I clipped off, and dead leaves I gathered.  My body is going to hate me tomorrow.

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